I was meeting with a straggling individual client and they were amusing me with their tale of woe as to how their employer now has some internal communication issues.


It seems that with a couple of new hires the informational flow that has been in place for years is now up for grabs.


One long time employee was chastised for not entering some information into their systems.  This work has been done by an employee from another department seemingly forever.  The employee was never told that this was now their responsibility either.


Seemingly the job descriptions now requires “precog” abilities.  Employees are now no longer allowed to rely upon what they have been trained to do, or what their job description states.  They need to read the minds of management to know what their responsibilities are supposed to be without the benefit of being told.


Now, I thought this was an amusing tale.  But when I mentioned it to another party I was told that that happened in their company all the time as well.  Apparently since I am a bystander to the corporate world, that world has become more frenzied and unpredictable.


It make me wonder how long they will be able to satisfy their clients if there are no formal and coherent lines of communication in place.

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