I recently received a text from a client, who was inquiring as to whether or not if they owned a series of retail stores would it then be prudent, possible or legal to have two Series LLC’s: one LLC to own the properties the other LLC to own the retail businesses.

As I have stated before, I recommend that all business property be held within an LLC to minimize liability and to protect other assets; I would recommend a Series LLC for the ownership of the property of the businesses.

For the operating portion of the business, I would recommend either an S-Corp or possibly a series of S-Corps.  This of course depends on the long term goals as well as the potential ownership.

Granted any and all final decisions will be based upon a through discussion of what the short term and long tern goals are to be.

It is possible that the plan is for fast growth and a sell off in the near term.  If so a C- Corp may be a better option for a smoother transfer.

Only getting all of the facts and goals can a final determination be made.

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