I was reading an article recently regarding predictions on the end of the world.  The article referenced an article in the New Yorker, but I have read about these prophecies  before.  Actually I have seen multiple movies and read a few books regarding all of these topics and I am sure you have as well.


But to see them again and now be aware that the New Yorker wrote on it, shows to what levels publications need to go to attain and retain readership.


So the top three world ending scenarios are:


  • Lethal and contagious virus will be unleased – (Omega Man/I Am Legend, Contagion for movies, Tom Clancy –Executive Orders for books)
  • Artificial intelligence will become sentient and take over and attack us – (Matrix and Terminator series jump to mind quickly for movies, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep fits to an extent for books as does 2001 and Frankenstein
  • Countries around the world wage war over scarce resources – (Mad Max movies, for books we have fiction and non-fiction galore)


How do you think we will go?  Or, a better question may be “when?”


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