Time is our most precious resource.  We all have an expiration date; we just don’t know when that date will occur.


Surprisingly one of my kids has recognized this much sooner than I did when I was young.  He has quit low paying jobs, believing that his time was worth more than what they were will to pay for it.  He has found surprising ways to earn money that pay much more than he was getting on an hourly basis, such as product tester.


He also has taken as many as 7 courses a semester to finish college earlier to save us both our money.


I have added staff to leverage all of our time to be able to assist more clients.  I am currently looking at areas where I am spending time that are not the best uses of it.  I am considering leaving a Board because of the cost benefit ratio.


What do you do to maximize your time?  How do you consolidate things to eke out the best uses of your time and energy?  Do you get to work early or late to cut down on traffic time?  Or work from home as often as possible.


I think we all need to be better stewards of our time.

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