In my dealing with clients the subject of employees comes up a lot.  Beyond the basic payroll and HR components employees have a tremendous impact on your business.


I have clients who view their employees as expenses plain and simple.  They know that every payday the costs of their employees and taxes leave their checking account.  They want them to do their job with no muss or fuss.


I personally believe that employees are assets to the company.  They are the front line of dealing with clients and customers.  How they interaction and behave within those interactions will either help grow your business or hind its future.


In my discussion with my clients regarding their employees when they look at their employees as expenses, there is usually an under lying issue, not meeting the performance standards.  This can come from poor communication, lack of training or just have the wrong person in the wrong position.  All of which can be addressed.


The perspective of employee are important, not only to the business but to the employees, how they are viewed can have an impact on their performance as well.

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