You know by now that most of the big names in search engines: Google, Bing, Yahoo – track your search history and build profiles on you, serving different results based on your search history.

You may want to try one of the alternative search engines if you’re tired of being tracked.

Granted Google now encrypts your search traffic when you’re logged in, but this only prevents third-parties from snooping on your search traffic – it doesn’t prevent Google from tracking you for their profiling.

These Search Engines that do not track and sell your searches:



Your saved searches can be legally requested and then come bite you.  All that is necessary is a subpoena and Google, Bing and Yahoo will turn over your data.


I have had clients introduce me to Duckduckgo and Ixquick a few years ago.  It is their preferred search engines.


What do you use and who is making money off of your information?



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