Recently in a conversation with one of our clients, I asked about their production capacity.  Do they know when they would need to turn down business or start the second shift?


It turns out that they don’t have any hard or fast rules for this option.  But they have at least given the subject some thought and have some reasonable ideas of what would need to be done.  Which puts them in front of other business owners; not every business has given the subject any thoughts let alone any plans for explosive growth.


What would you do in your business if you had an unexpected growth increase?  Would you have the wherewithal to turn away the business that you could not reasonably handle?  Could you hire and train fast enough to cover the growth?


Have you ever considered what would be necessary?


We as a firm have thought of this.  But then we are actively looking to grow the firm with new clients.  Granted they have to be the right clients and get through our screening process.  Even the firms that we have reviewed for purchase, we have a review process.  It has to be the right fit plain and simple.


What is your capacity plan?


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