I am working with a client who is looking for an investment business.  They are looking for something to place some inheritance funds.

We have discussed some of the options that I am aware that others have chosen.  None of those options seem to be reasonable choices at this point for my client.

They are looking for something that they can own and oversee but do not need to run on a daily basis, they want something a manager can handle.

We have obviously discussed the stock market and mutual funds.  They have other monies invested in the market.  But at times the market is subject to others control and those running companies do not always seem to have the investor’s best interests to heart.

Real Estate has been investigated, but it seems that the sellers are certain that the market has improved enough that the cap rates can now be higher than the costs of capital.  Or in other words, they want more than the property can reasonable earn as a return for the investment.

So as their search continues.  I have been investing in my business and believe that I have found an appropriate practice to purchase.

So we continue to look to opportunities for our client.

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