In today’s world you need to be able to control your domain.  I know that there are those who believe that a Facebook page is more important to your business than a domain.  I personally disagree with that.

A Facebook page defiantly has its place in your marketing, but you should be in control of your domain.  I have a client who thought they controlled their domains.  They would point to their website and state here we are.  Here is our domain.  They were incorrect.  It was a subdomain on a hosting website.

I purchased their domains.  This allowed them time to then set-up an account with GoDaddy and then transfers the domains into their control.  My acquiring the domains took them off of the market. Once I had control of the domains GoDaddy stated that in the secondary market they could be worth over $500 each.  I billed the clients my cost.

We are here to help my clients grow their businesses, not be an adversary or an obstacle.

I stumbled on this predicament by utilizing them in a blog post and I needed to verify a piece of information.  Then I noticed that the domain was a subset of

When we are discussing starting a business with a new client we actually ask if they have secured the domain before incorporating the business.  We have IT people who espouse this an absolutely necessary step in their business creation as well.

So domains remain important.

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