Years ago you incorporated your business.  Did you get the binder package for your corporate books and records?

Hopefully your answer is yes and that you have been having your at least annual meetings and maintaining your books and records (B&R).

But If I had to guess, I would guess that the answer to maintaining the B&R would be a negative.  When I am meeting with clients especially if it is the 3rd Qtr review meeting I encourage client’s to consider that meeting as their annual meeting and to write it up and put it in the B&R.

The corporate B&R should also have copies of all of your incorporation paperwork; as well as the paperwork from the IRS and the State, if the business is an LLC then a copy of the Operating Agreement.  Bankers are typically looking for copies of your By-laws to allow the bank account to be opened.

If you have questions or concerns you can give up a call and we may be able to assist you, or we can refer you to someone who can.

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