If you want to start a business but don’t know where to start, don’t worry…you are not alone.  This is not a unique situation.  We have had appointments were we have discouraged would be business owners from getting started, others have great ideas and will not get started.  Then there are the times were we redirect them to start just a side business to test the waters.

Given the new economic reality of our time, more people than ever before have found the “job” they thought was waiting for them doesn’t exist. My kids have explained that they believe the world is changing so rapidly that they and their classmates see nothing but a blurred future.

Others have come to the conclusion that they would rather create work they love, constructed to fit with their own life goals. No matter what the motivation is to be your own boss, you can start today.  The current business environment of part-time and freelance is helping to shape this work as well.

For help clarifying your desires give us a call so we may assist you in creating your new opportunity.


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