Size does matter to some.  There are those who become entrepreneurs to be world class, the best of the best, leaving all others in the dust.

Then there are those who want to basically create a job for themselves to cover their bills and provide for their families.  Yes I am describing two extremes here.

If you chose to be one of the former you need to have the following:

  • Know what you do that you are the best in the world at what you do
  • Have a product or service that you invented and control
  • Preferably something patentable for an isolated market segment
  • Creating a unique user experience
  • Then a branded concept that can be marketed


The latter tend to:Be one of a large crowd in what they do

  • Work a product or service they didn’t invent
  • With a formula they didn’t invent
  • Or a delivery method they didn’t invent
  • Not a patentable or unique user experience
  • No isolated individual market segment
  • No branded concept


So how big do you want to become?  Which list actually defines your business or concept?  If you need help modifying your give us a call for assistance.

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