When I have someone coming in explaining that they want to start a business, I like to meet the prospective entrepreneur along with their spouse.

If I am lucky and they both come in, when I am asking questions of the would be entrepreneur I am looking at the spouses body language.  I also ask the spouse a lot of questions as well.  If there is no buy in from the spouse, I recommend that the would be entrepreneur pass on their business idea.

If you are not going to have spousal support when you are just starting your business you will not succeed.  There can be stress and tension when you are trying to get a business off the ground.  You can’t have that stress and have a different stress at the end of the day when the spouse in on you for the lack of money, time or success.  The world is most likely to just collapse.

But having that spousal support, while not a guarantee of success, does make it easier to cope with the stress,  occasional speed bumps and other obstacles that will be in your path.

For an appointment call our office, so we can help you succeed.

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