As a small business owner you find yourself perpetually busy. There are always a million little things that you never seem to find the time to get to. Are you at your capacity or is this just activity?

Those things that you tend to work on first, are those things that earn you money?  Or are those things the ones you feel most comfortable working on?  As a small business owner generating revenue should always be a priority.

I have challenged clients over the years when they are struggling with low revenue, to come into the office and we will break down their systems and see what is working, what is not, what is going well and what needs to change.

Surprise most clients never want to go through this process.  Hell, I do it to myself every so often and I am never happy about my ruts.  I have people on my BOA that I call upon to hold me accountable when I feel I am falling behind on certain tasks.

I never want to admit to them that I did not do what I should be doing.

So I am always attempting to increase my efficiency so I can increase my capacity and not just be busy with useless activity.

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