It has been awhile since I was a member of a networking group.  I had left because of the cost/time benefit ratio no longer made sense in belonging. Because of this a member of my Board of Advisors told me I needed to find one and join. 

I have looked at a number of different types of groups and could not find what I was looking for.  I was also startled by the costs of these groups that seemingly have just started they cost $250 to $350 a month for a couple of hours only of networking.  When you cannot visit before joining, it makes me believe they are selling a pig-in-a-poke and it has no true value.

I had pulled together a list for a group of what I believe makes sense for my business needs.

  • Non-compete
  • B2B not individual focused
  • Business owners not employees
  • Focus on services not commodities’
  • Attorney – business
  • Commercial Banker
  • Commercial Insurance – independent (no captive agents)
  • Independent Financial advisor – working directly with business owners, (no captive agents or insurance companies)
  • Independent IT
  • Graphic Designer
  • Web Developer
  • Independent Marketer – social media
  • Other to be defined

This group would be looking for members who are currently not part of another non-compete referral group.  There are only so many referrals that we all encounter.

Once I had my outline I needed a partner to help with filling the group.  It did not make sense to using only those whom are already in my network.  I found a partner that understood what I was going to build and saw the value, not to mention the ability to replicate.  Therefore they will allow me to utilize their members and facilities to create my group to my specifications.

If successful I will shortly be able to check the need for a networking group, off of my “to do” list and add it to my marketing growth plan.

What services are you availing yourselves of to grow your business?  What is the cost/time benefit ratio?

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