Are you the type of leader or business owner who likes to surround themselves with sycophants?  I know they are out there; I have worked with a few, albeit briefly.

I had a client who has since retired, but she knew and expected me to challenge her on key points of the business.  I had known her for years and we worked together earlier in both our careers.  She always liked the fact that I could see problems from multiple angles.

On multiple occasions when we were debating an issue we would start off at opposite ends of the argument, but during the argument I would slightly shift my position, forcing her to do so.  Next she would realize that I was arguing her original position and she mine.  It would vex her, but then knowing that all sides had been examined a clearer choice for the decision making could be made for the better of the business.

This would not have been an option if she hired only “yes” people?

Those business owners who I know that do like to surround themselves with sycophants typically run afoul of cash flow issues and other issues that jeopardize their businesses.

I personally feel that we all should have access to opinions that differ from our own. I have Board of Advisor members whose opinions differ from mine. I have had clients surprised to learn that I listen to NPR for a more liberal perspective on issues. NPR also gives more time to stories than other news outlets.  They also have commercials but don’t call them commercials.

How do you get access to a different perspective?

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