I was watching a new program recently, in which a politician was being interviewed.  Since this interviewee was a Democrat I was surprised when they cautioned that government needs to be diligent as to where government should be expending resources.

The interviewee described that caution needs to be given to the influence of desire, because, before long desire becomes a want.  The want becomes a need and then it becomes a law.

Once it is a law, it becomes a lawsuit because someone will feel that they are not getting enough.

Having worked with not for profits for most of my career, I strongly believe that some assistance should be in place to help those who stumble or need temporary assistance.  I am strongly against programs that lead to a lifestyle of laziness and waiting for the next handout.
I believe that we have whole segments of our society that are in need of a new direction.  Alas, I do not know the best way, nor do I have the power to change attitudes and laws to fix this problem.

But it is good to hear at least one politician take the stand that handouts are not the only solution.

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