What do you do that your completion does not do?  Most business owners do not have an answer to this question.  Insights can remain elusive to those who make the products.

How in a given unique situation within a specific time can you make yourself different from your peers?

One major suggestion is to do your homework, pray for moment when the light bulb lights and you have the nucleus of big idea.

Insights of you, your employees, your process and the overall environment are the launching pad of great communications and of ideas.  This will allow you to develop a key insight to how to brand your company.

All of this is part of a bigger process to grow your business.  It also helps to remember that 80% of your business comes from 20% of your core loyal customers.  Any movements must include the guarantee that they will not be offended of short changed in your planning.

So what makes you different and worth hiring?

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