I was introduced to a small business owner a while ago who seemingly was approaching their start-up from a completely academic manner, or in other words they read some books on how to start a business and then started a business.

What was odd is that this is not supposed to be the first business that they started, but the other one was in a completely different market and at a different time.  So maybe what worked in the past was just not working in today’s environment.

I have clients who have been in operation for decades and they need to constantly change with the times to stay in business and stay relevant.   To be successful or at least to give yourself a running start you need to be flexible, you need to read the situation and be able to move and make changes when necessary. 

The answers to all questions or not in books or academia, theory is but practicality is not taught it is learned, typically the hard way.

For assistance with your business give us a call.

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