Ok, you have just started your business, who is going to hold you accountable?


Do you have the capacity to force yourself to do all of the easy and hard tasks before you to make your business a success?  Is your family depending on you to succeed?  If so, you may have all and more of the drive necessary to keep you motivation levels up.


Some people have mentors who will hold them accountable.  This can be very effective if your mentor has the right temperament for your style.


While other entrepreneurs may have Boards of Advisors or Boards of Directors; granted most start-up businesses do not usually have Boards.  But this is a management tool that has a power to it.


A function of our role as CPA is to hold business owners accountable, if clients want us to.  I just meet with a new client, who liked all of the questions we were asking, but is not looking for anything more than just keeping the business moving forward with some bookkeeping assistance.


So who holds you accountable?

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