I don’t know why I surprised when I found out that Amazon now had added housekeeping and handyman services to their line.

The company that was barely able to stay afloat with selling books is now planning to take over the world.  If the stories are true they plan to get into prescriptions and medical supplies shortly.

Soon they will hold a monopoly over all retail; I recently read that they sell more clothes than any other retailer at this point.  I hope that is not true.

But there are holdouts.  Disney is fighting back, Amazon does not get Disney related DCD’s or Blu-ray until months after other retailers.

Authors are also fighting back as well.  So as a nation we seemingly will not go quietly or easily, but we will fall into their clutches.  I unfortunately buy office products and some personal items for the sheer convenience of the process.  Which is why I believe we will all fall at some point.

But I don’t believe I will surrender food shopping into their clutches.  I like to pick my own produce and I was never a fan of Whole Foods.

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