Good afternoon everyone,

Today I received 5 calls from different clients informing me that their homemaker from Cure Home Care advised them that today would be their last day of service. The reason given was that Cure was not able to pay their employee salaries any longer.

I called Cure Home Care and spoke with the supervisor (their office manager resigned) Anne Villarreal. According to Anne they have notified their homemakers that they will only be able to pay them half of their salaries but are encouraging them to stay on as long as they can. They are at a critically low number of employees now and therefore are not able to service everyone. I am running a list now to see how many clients we have with this service provider to determine what the number of affected clients I’m actually dealing with.

Without talking to my staff yet, I’m thinking we will have to come up with a “message” for these clients and then options if they want to change providers. And guess what? None of these activities are billable items! But our clients deserve to be looked after as much as we can since all of our legislators have decided it’s OK not to.

Sadly, I think this is only the beginning!

Sarah Saenz
Executive Director
Solutions for Care

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