(847) 690-9454 [email protected]

I have a client whose business has epic cycles of being slow or being swamped.  From Thanksgiving to March they are slow, slow slow.  But come late March or early April they are running overtime like nobody’s business.

We have discussed the need for balance for working on and working in their business, in an attempt to start the process of changing this cycle with new clients for those off-peak months.  I have suggested that they revamp their logo and website and start a social media campaign.  They like the concept, but only as a concept.  Even while acknowledging that this probably would help the cycle.

They have started social media campaigns, but these were halfhearted attempts by employees who had little motivation or time to complete or follow through.

To me it becomes more important in my mind that if you have a known slowdown in your business cycle.  You need to find new clients to fill the gaps in your work flow.  One of the ways to do that is through social media.  But I think if you are going to start this process, you review your current branding and see if you need a sprucing up or not, so all communications mesh and show you in the best light.

The whole reason for being in business is for balance. Balance in your work and personal life.  The same should go for your employees.  But there also needs to be a balance for working in and on your business.  A balance in all things.

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