We received a call from a prospective client.  He was looking for some assistance with a return that needed to be amended.

When he met with us he expressed shock that we did not serve a multitude of pilots, considering our proximity to the United Airlines headquarters and the airport.  This is a segment of the population that we have not targeted, but we would not be slamming the phone down if they were to call either.

Now the fact that this gentleman initially prepared his own return, may well be the answer to his own question we kept our opinions to ourselves (somewhat…).

We prepared the amended return, went over what he needs to do, basically sign the return which was done and mail it to the IRS.  Once he gets acceptance for the changes then he is to mail the state amended return.

We have filed an extension for his 2014 return.  But I expect him to file the return himself.  He found our fees to be reasonable, or at least stated so.  But whether he returns and brings with him additional clients only time will tell.

But we would be more than happy to assist them.

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