We get a lot of calls during the year asking inquiring about our services.  Most of those end when they find out that we charge for our services.

At least one almost expected us to pay him to be a client; he was a waste of time and spent too much of our time on the phone talking to others, during our meeting.

But when they actually schedule a meeting we expect them to at least show up.  Last year we had two that stuck out in my mind as to their failure to do this.

One was a local individual who is listed as a “golf pro” on LinkedIn.  He called to schedule a meeting to for assistance in running his business.  He missed his appointment; I called him to learn why.  He used his kids as a vague excuse, set up another appointment and never showed up.

The second one was more interesting.  I received a call from a gentleman in Michigan.  He has a daughter in the area who is on her own for the first time and was having difficulties with her finances.  He wanted us to help her prepare a budget and assist her in paying her bills.  He was thinking we may need to be doing this monthly for her.

The daughter called and scheduled the appointment, since she is employed we stayed late to meet with her and she never showed. We called and left a message.

About a month or two later she called and left a message to apologize for the no show and attempt to reschedule.  We called her a few times in response, but she never called again.

Here we have people who need help, know they need help and have made the first step towards getting help.  But then never followed through, I have difficulty understanding  this mentality.


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