During my career I have run into entrepreneurs that fall into roughly five different categories.


First there are those who have their own ideas and plan to build their business from the ground up.  This is the way I started my business.


The second category is to assume another’s dream.  This is buying out the current owner of the business and then making it your own.  This is a bit harder to find, but there are resources to assist in finding a business to purchase.


The third category I refer to as steal a format.  This is either leaving an employer and starting a similar business or seeing a franchise or other business and recreating the idea with your own flourishes.


My fourth category is buying a franchise.  One you will run yourself or a passive investment where you leave it in the hands of others.


My final category is for those who dream, talk and plan about going onto their own.  But follow the crowd and stay employees of others.  Preferring to retain the safety of the regular paycheck.


I have seen success and failure with all of the categories.  I wish luck to all, I have found it to be worth the risk.

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