I was at the IRS office dropping off some paperwork for a client.  While I was there, a business owner showed up and tried to hand in an Illinois tax return.  He was obviously confused, which made the IRS personnel a bit confused as well.

Now as the IRS rep went to get the address for the local IDOR location, this business owner was explaining to no one that his preparer sent him.  I of course asked while it was not being electronically filed.  He stated that it was, but he needed to hand in his signed paperwork.

Now I pray that I never have a client leave this confused.  So as we were talking I pointed out that if his preparer is filing the returns electronically he does not need to hand anything in to either the IRS or IDOR.  I also point to his second envelope and tell him that the other envelope is addressed to the IRS.

He becomes more confused.  He almost calls the preparer, but decides to just go to the IDOR office and hand in his two envelopes.

I just hope that he is not paying a premium for tax prep services, because he is not getting get customer service.

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