About a month ago I was delivering a client’s return to the Shiller Park offices of the IRS.  I was doing this because the client had not filed corporate of personal returns for a few years and I wanted to ensure that the first years was filed immediately upon signing.  Also, the office is realtively close to my office and home.


But dropping off a return is a rarity in this day and age.  The IRS wants returns filed electronically, which is how the vast majority of ours are filed.  It is the rare need to go to Shiller Park.

So I was startled to see when I was there taxpayers who were dropping off current year returns for the current year from preparers who advertise on tv .


But worse than that there were others who were meeting with IRS agents by themselves. Prepared to do battle with the IRS armed only their paid preparer folders.


I can just imagine how frightening it must be to face the IRS, without assistance of a strong understanding of the law and your rights.  The IRS is not always correct.

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