It is estimated that in 2013 there was 4.4zettabytes of data.  This data apparently is growing at a rate of 40% a year.  So for 2020 it is estimated that there will be 44 zettabytes of data available.


So how much of that data is just a glut of useless information and how much will be analyzed and used for the better good.  Not just the individual company, but for the world good.


Think of all of the different sources gathering that data.  There is no one place where it will be all housed so there will be no efficient way to leverage this data to the greatest effect.


Gathering data is huge quantities and over a broad spectrum of individuals could be possibly be analyzed to get a far better understanding on how or why we do what we do and when we do it.


All small business owners gather data on their clients.  Granted there is only so much that can be learned and utilized by a small business, on the microcosm of their clients.  But the theory of large numbers could fix that.


So we will see if we just have a data glut of the beginning of true analysis.

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