I wrote before on how I purchased a stock from a company I had worked at long ago.  They had kept pushing me to buy the stock when I was there.

I hated the job, most of the people I worked with and for.  There was no way I was going to buy into the business.  I saw it for what it was a scam.  I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.  But I had been unemployed before I was at Waste Management, and with their downsizing.  I jumped at employment at the first chance I got.

I chose poorly…

But, this company had since been delisted from the exchanges and I bought 7,000 shares at $.085 per share.  When I worked for them my options were always under water at $19.00 per share.

So I splurged and invested about $600 with costs.  The plan was to ride it to $.17 a share and sell half and then play with the houses money.

SO I rode the stock down to the $.05 to $.06 range.  My son who runs this account (my name his money started when he was 16) wanted me to bail ASAP.

I had faith.  They were about to settle a major class action lawsuit for fraud.  Yes, I am certain they were guilty, why do you think I wanted out.  The woman I worked for had here GED and was running a “college”.  She didn’t even have one of their bullshit degrees.

After the settlement the stock rose and I expected.

SO I instructed my son to put in a sell order once it went to $.17 for half of the shares.

He ignored part of my order.  He sold them all.  Now I have a gain to recognize on my taxes.  But I am investing the proceeds from one shitty institution into my son’s college education.  He wants to take two more classes at Oakton for a total of 7 classes this semester for a total of 22 credit hours.  So this gain paid for over half of the additional bill.

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