Is there a dumb phone revolution in the making?  I have been hearing more and more about people wanting to unplug from the system and giving up the smart phones for plain generic old flip phones.


With the computer revolution switch by some industries away from desktops; along with laptops and tables being made in every conceivable size and shape, people are looking to reclaim small parcels of their lives back with flip phone.


Not only do the phones keep a charge for days instead of hours, it makes for one less piece of technology that needs to be monitored and updated.


How about the costs?  There are still a large number of employers that do not pay for cellphone usage, so the phone cost and maintenance is on your dime.  This makes it a very simple way to cost personal costs and increase savings.  I won’t even mention the cost of the phone can differ by over $500.


Before I started this business, I had given up my cell phone and it was liberating.  The loss of the lease was missed very infrequently, mainly when buying groceries.  Have you unplugged or given it any thought?

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