(847) 690-9454 [email protected]

I was working with a client to migrate their all of their contacts into Constant Contact. I was surprised on how many of the contacts listed that were using generic e-mails (i.e. G-mail, Hotmail, yahoo, etc.).

I was cautioned early on when I started my business to spend the small amount of money and show the world that I was serious about my business and not use a generic e-mail. It made sense then and makes even more sense now. Especially since most businesses snag domains before they even register with the Secretary of State.

Over the years now when I see a business using a g-mail for their business I look more closely with an eye towards how long I think they will be in business. Have they been in business three years yet? Will they last that long?

I know this is snobbish, but for a few of my side businesses I have domain e-mails accounts setup for their e-mails.

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