When we are meeting with a potential new client, we find that they have already taken some steps in starting a business without asking or being asked any questions, let alone the right questions.  They have created an LLC or a Corporation already in place.

We believe the first step to starting a business should be meeting with a CPA.  Yes we are biased, but there are financial impacts on most early decision in setting up a business and attorneys don’t always ask any questions.  Some are transactional in their approach to starting a business.

We discuss if it will be a part time or full time business.  Does the client have experience within the industry that they are choosing? Is there spousal support? Why are they starting a business?

Then we go over all options for running a business.  I have recommended that some clients with limited potential liability not organize or incorporate.  Suggesting that they be a sole proprietor reporting on a Schedule C to make sure that they really want to own and run a business.

Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, but I think most should investigate for their own financial wellbeing.

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