It seems that the amount of data that we are generating and storing is growing at a truly exponential rate.  According to a recent article our collected data id doubling every two years.  Most believe that it will change our world forever more.

Obviously we are collecting data that is not being analyzed.  The question is how do the magicians turn this raw data into information that will be usable information that can become knowledge.  Knowledge that can be utilized to add to humanity; hopefully for the good of all.  But more likely how to get you to buy smaller toilet paper rolls for more money.

It is estimated that 0.5% of all data received is currently being analyzed.  As the data pool grows the amount of data being analyzed is shrinking. That is until AI takes over and is able to absorb the data organically.

The questions we should be asking is who has the data, who is analyzing the data and what are they going to be doing with the information.  Also is it going to be shared across lines, such as Google and Amazon?

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