I don’t know if it is just me or if this is the way it always is.  But when I am in the office alone, there always seem to be an emergency or three that I need to address all at once.

I am sitting here on a Friday and I am the only one in the office today and I have not had a chance to get started on my to do list because of the following:

  • There was a client that e- mailed late yesterday looking for six state reports that are immediately overdue.
    • I have another client that needs their child’s tax return done immediately because I am scheduled to see them on Tuesday before their child moves to Montana permanently on Friday.
    • I have another client coming in for whom we need to get a year’s worth of bank statements printed.
    • I also have a Balance Sheet that will not balance because the prior CPA used a different Balance Sheet for the taxes than the one that they gave the client.

There does not seem to be this much chaos when the others are in, though this is probably because they handle these issues more frequently and quietly.

When we hired our latest employee we had to stress that I am seldom in the office because I am frequently out working with clients in their offices.

So it may truly be the rule of the office that we have a lot of clients that need specialized treatment and my staff is better equipped to deal with these issues than I.  But I am better suited for the issues that I deal with.

Which makes sense, since I have had clients tell me specifically, they bypass me with certain issues because the office handles the issue for them.  It just pays to have great people to work with and have your back.

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