Apple has finally made it to the table, joining in with Amazon, Google, and Microsoft in allowing us to pay to put  spying devices in our household.


It is expected that the Apple loyal will allow Apple to quickly gain traction with its voice-activated speaker.


But they are not expected to overtake Amazon or Google market share anytime soon.


The biggest hurdle is the crushingly high price tag.  Apple’s device costs $349, far more than the $180 Amazon Echo or the $129 Google Home.


As usual Amazon and Google are licensing their AI assistants to others, including makers of high-end speakers, giving consumers lots of options.


While Apple is playing catch-up with its AI assistant, Siri, which ranks worse at answering basic questions than assistants from Amazon, Google and Microsoft, according to one study.


But Apple is spending big bucks to improve its AI software, in an effort to catch up.


But remember these devices are always on and are listening and tracking all of your conversations.  You are paying to have “Big Brother” in your home and any data they collect may be subpoenaed by the authorities.


Who at the companies use these products?  I doubt it is anyone in the C-Suite.



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