Over my professional life I have run into a number of people who complain that they are successful, but are not happy.  I sit and listen to them, but I have learned to keep my mouth shut.  Because they obviously are not successful.  They are successful by a measure that really is not a true success for them.


Some people measure success by the amount of money they have.  Others by the things they own.  Others still measure success by whom they share their lives with.


People are surprised that I do not consider money and the accumulation of wealth to be my measure of success.  Granted money provides options for happiness.  But seldom does it actually represent success and happiness.


For myself ,helping a client overcome an obstacle or an impediment is one of the ways I measure success.   I enjoy keeping busy and really enjoy challenges.


Make sure your measure of success is truly your measure of success.  Because achieving that success should bring you some measure of happiness.  If not your true measure is probably something else.

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