How long and often are you working on your business, versus working in your business?


What I mean is, if you are working on your marketing plan, networking or writing blog postings or paying your bills; you are working on your business.


If you are working on billable time to meet your clients’ needs then you are working in your business.


So how is your time broken out?  For a new business, you need to locate those clients and customers so you are working on your business more than you are working in your business.


If you have been in business for a while, you may have gotten a bit lazy and spend all of your time working in your business.  Since you believe you no longer need to work on the business.  I have seen this paradox trap a few clients.  Business is good and has been, so why change things.


The why is because nothing stays the same forever.  Look at Sears, Dominick’s, Blockbuster, My Space, the list is endless.


You need to find the right balance for your company, there is no formula that will work for all businesses, assuming that you consider your business to have a unique selling point.

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