What is the ROI (return on investment) on your brokerage account or investments?

What I am asking is who is making more money off of your money?  You or the brokerage firm?

I just had a new prospect come in and have me review his 2017 return for potential errors.  There seemed to be a number that I could not back into based upon the information provided.

But I did come across a potential problem other than the suspect number.  The client had brokerage fees over $5,000, almost 10% of total income.  With interest, dividends and capital gains slightly over that amount.  So the client is battling for breakeven.  SO I say the brokerage firm won the ROI for the year.

Another client is struggling with a Turn Key Business (small Franchise), this has been an under performing asset, since the Franchisor takes almost 10% off the top.  They do no advertising; they offer no product discounts, nor any management assistance.  But they do get a minimum royalty charge each year. The clients are in year six of a ten year agreement. I keep suggesting that they rebrand themselves and market that so when they can throw off the yoke of the Franchisor they have a rebirth.

With any investment or business you want to make sure that you are getting your money’s worth.

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