While certain business owners can get all wrapped up in analysis paralysis, I have a client who is taking the philosophy of “Leap” for 2017.


He is making decisions based upon his goals and future plans.  There are financial costs to these decisions, the money may not always be there but this is an optimistic entrepreneur and he is moving with the belief that it will work out in the end.


This philosophy has worked for him in the past.  It also seems to be working this year as well.  With the additional space he took on earlier this year, a strategic partner has proposed taking over a portion of the new space.  He has been asked to join a BOD.


In a networking meeting he was explaining his philosophy of “Leap” and so impressed the financial advisor he plans to modify his strictly analytical approach to business to be open more to embracing a free spirit approach.


Our office has striven to walk in both worlds where we can.  Even our approach to working with our clients, they decide how much or how little we work with them.  Some of peers demand that clients commit to their prescribed service levels.


How do you run your business?  Strict analysis or more freeform; or is it a combination of the two?


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