With the stagnant wages and the difficulties of finding a starter job in your field unless you were in the top 3% of your class worldwide. Are our children looking at lowered expectations than we were as graduates?

I know that starter cars less than $20,000 are rare and scarce.  I know that graduates are leaving college with more debt than ever before.  I know the costs of insurance, gas, housing and food have all increased significantly since over the years.

The world seems more competitive and cut throat than ever before.  The wild swing of the market and the eyes on the moves of China are not making anyone happy.  The markets are uncertain.

But, I have two kids that are looking into the abyss and have plans and strategies in mind on how to make their way in the world.  One wants to be an entrepreneur and the other wants to be an attorney.  Both have worked in the office so they have a decent idea in what is involved in chasing their goals and dreams.

Not all of the kids I have come across are as driven as these two seem to be, but mine are not alone.  I have meet a number of kids who likewise have goals that they are pursuing.  This is one of the benefits of being a “Merit Badge Counselor” I meet kids and their parents for a large area and get to questions them a bit.

A number of them are further along than I was at their age.  My freshman year of college I did not know what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Let alone have a plan in place on how to get there.

So in spite the obstacles in front of them, the future may be brighter than what I am seeing at the moment.

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