I was reading a magazine; yes I am 100 years old and read magazines and newspapers.  I also use the internet, but I like to tactile relationship to my reading matter.  I prefer to hold a book to a Fire.  But, I digress.

The Q&A section that I was perusing was about a small business micromanager can stop hovering.  Never mind the softball nature of the question.  The recommendations were to change your hiring procedures or change yourself.  But to also; 1. Establish procedures, 2. Try new technology (to eliminate employees?), 3. Turn employee into partners.

The answers seemed as simplistic as the question.  The hiring of staff is the most critical aspect of the process, and when I mean hiring I mean the selection of the best candidate for your office.  Not the best candidate for the position.

My office is a small team; we all need to work independently, but towards a common goal.  We have to trust one another and rely on what they are doing.  It took some time to find the right people, but now I think we can go farther faster.

Trust is more important than any tool to running a business, this includes vendors as well.  IT, attorney, banker, copy repair these members of the team also need to be trusted.


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