The Democrats are hoping that net neutrality will drive young voters to the polls this fall in their favor.


Many are upset by the overturn on net neutrality barring telecoms from charging more for faster internet speeds or controlling content.


The party wants to overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s move using the same law that Republicans tapped last year to undo many Obama regulations.


Apparently the Democrats are just one vote shy in the Senate, but the GOP-controlled House will not sign on.


That suits some Democrats, who think the issue will help them in the midterms.

Most Republican leaders oppose net neutrality, saying it stifles innovation.

They also don’t believe it’s on voters’ minds. For most people, “if their Netflix works,” their vote won’t be swayed by the net neutrality issue, says Sen. John Thune (R-SD).  I believe the Republicans are out of touch on this issue.


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