It is getting to the point where my wife or I will need to get a new vehicle. I hate this process and the lead-up to the process.
When my eldest was small, I remember the dealer taking my car keys for the trade-in inspection and not wanting to return them., believing that this was a way to motivate me to buy a car. They gave them back once I told them I was calling the police for theft.
Then came, I liked this iteration. Once I decided on a car, I got three dealerships to give me their best offer on a vehicle. Obviously some are more desperate than others from time to time. I saved over $1,000 on one deal. But alas that method disappeared, just because I liked it.
Now I am on my own again. I can see multiple dealership vehicles online at, but the wheeling and dealing has to be done in person- a time waster and laborious task.
I know that this may well be one of the last autos that I purchase. I foresee a time in the not too distant future where I am ordering rides from a service that sends a pod to take me from place to place when I need to go somewhere.
I just wish the process was easier.