35% is acceptable…

Apparently in a room of IRS managers a 35% hang-up rate is considered acceptable standard operating procedures for the IRS in not assisting tax payers and preparers with questions and concerns about the notices that were sent by the IRS.

I received this information directly from an IRS agent who was teaching a tax update seminar. She was in the meeting where the issue was discussed and according to her, she was appalled by the acceptance of the manager on the hang-up rate.  SO complaining to the managers if you could get ahold of them is a waste of time.

I wish I had that kind of authority to hold over the IRS’s head.  But alas I do not.  Not only are the waiting times excruciatingly long, I have been a victim of the hang up along with my clients on several occasions.

To think we have to pay them salary and benefits and they do not have to do their jobs.

This is making me think I made the wrong choices in life.  Instead of helping people I could get paid to ignore them and get a get a decent benefit package and pension along with it.

Thank God I have people I can contact at the IRS who do their jobs and go the extra mile or three.  They are the ones who then allow me to help and serve my clients, when the slackers refuse to talk to me.

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