Passwords have been an issue for quite a while now and the situation does not seem to be getting any easier of less complex.

Initially short passwords were used and no one used any creativity, they used birthday, anniversaries or other special days.  Making them easily guessed at and so unreliable, so we moved to alpha and numeric, but people wrote them down and attached to them to their screens for ease of use.

Then we went to the alpha, numeric and symbols; along with an increase in the minimum of characters.  We are required to have passwords for banking, e-mails, credit cards, computer login, etc.

So now to simplify our lives we are again are changing the requirements of passwords.  All with the concept of simplifying our lives.

So the character restrictions are being lifted and longer passwords are being required.  All in an attempt to eliminate what is known as “Password Rage”.  SO now passwords will now become passphrases and be 16 to 64 characters long.

The National Institute for Standards and Technology, who is charged with the task of overseeing the federal government’s computer policy, issued a draft for a password overhaul.  Utilizing passphrases and ending the practice of forcing new ones every 60 or 90 days.


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