How many phone apps do you have on your cell/smart phone right now?  I bet you have no idea.  I know I don’t.


DO you have apps that you have never used?  I know I do, I have 3 Sudoku apps that I have never used.  I gravitate to one and only use that one.


A number of those apps may be collecting and sending data without your knowing it.  Have you ever read a “Terms of Service” especially on a free app?  I didn’t think so.  Most people just hit the have read and accept button.  We all do this, because of time constraints and laziness.


So your contact list, all of your e-mails, any notes and text messages may be in the hands of anyone willing to pay for them.  My Millennial children shrug their shoulders when I discuss this with them, but they still refuse to hand over their phones to me so I can read everything off of the phone directly.  They don’t seem to get that this is exactly what they are doing, but just not to me…


SO we like the illusion of privacy but not the reality.


So try dumping all apps that you really don’t use.  Read the “terms of service” for those you want to keep and go forth with the knowledge that you know who has what of yours and who is keeping track of what.  But I am betting you do nothing, because of time constraints and laziness.

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