I personally like the idea of a voucher system for children to go to the schools that will best suit them and their parents.

Yes, I have read the hundreds of long articles against vouchers written for or by educators whose jobs hang on the current system, and the politicians who would lose clout in their district if kids and their money were to go to better schools.

The main argument is that the poor kids will be left behind.  But that is what is exactly what is happening.  More and more of my clients are putting their kids in private schools starting with kindergarten.  So if you have those who consider themselves to be the middle class making the personal financial sacrifice for their children’s future who is left in the schools but the poor kids.

Have you heard or read the articles about the flak the Charter Schools are getting in Chicago; this is the same argument and the same result. The less advanced kids are being left behind.

Now this is hearsay, but a number of clients have stated that their kids’ classmates are the children of educators that don’t want their kids taught in the system in which they earn their money in.  If true, how telling I that?

Vouchers would allow all kids a greater amount of options than what they have now.

I have been encouraging clients who are educators to think about either separately or banding together with other like-minded educators to think about starting private schools and educational programs.  The need and demand is there and it is there now.

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