Profit is not a dirty word!  All businesses have to make a profit to survive, even Not-for-Profits, they more than any other needs to have a profit for those inevitable lien times or for future growth.


One client has been struggling to firm up their fixed and variable costs.  Believing that in the past they have not been covering their own costs let alone a profit.    So they are fixing the problem and shifting the focus from price to the benefits of their product and services.  Because they deserve to make a profit.


I have another client who refers to their competitors are garage businesses.  Most of their competitors truly do run their businesses out of their garages.   My clients bend over backward to provide their clients with exactly what they are looking for and within their time frame; they also deserve to earn a profit.


I had a potential client recently ask about our fees, they were even in line with what they had been paying. But apparently when I did my follow-up they decided to go with the lowest cost option available.  I believe that we deserve to make a profit.


Would you turn away business that you cause you to suffer a loss for greater exposure?  We have turned away business that would not cover our costs or was not the right fit for us.


Do you know what is involved in actually covering your costs?  Give us a call to review your pricing policies.





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