(847) 690-9454 [email protected]

We have a multiple clients who had made the switch from one version of QuickBooks (QB) to another.  Two were using QB online and switched back to a desktop version and two others used the Apple version and went to PC desktop.

The online people are very happy with the switch, they no longer have the monthly fees, the desktop is more robust and has an easier interface as well as overall usability. In conversations with Intuit personnel they are aware of the shortfalls of the online version, and they will not be able to ensure a more robust online version for years to come.  This, in spite of Intuit’s push, to get users to switch to online, for an ongoing monthly revenue stream.

On the other hand, the Apple users are looking to make changes.  Being Apple people they do not like PC’s, so they hate the PC version. One plans to just go back to their Apple version. 

For the other Apple user we are looking to switch them to the online version.  Their proposal software is online and only works with QB online, so we will be tying that software to their QB online for invoicing, the client can still run checks as needed so that way everyone will be able to do their work on the single version when necessary.

So all versions of QB have their place in the market, as there is also no consensus on which one is the best.  The situation needs to be addressed client by client.  For assistance with an evaluation please give us a call.

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